Saturday, May 5, 2007

Yesterday had my first piano lesson. It was great and i really enjoyed it... Today i spent my day resting at home... and spent some time practising... I realised that my left hand is not as coordinated as my right hand and sometimes i will play the wrong key with my left hand. It made me think of an incident in taekwondo when i was learning how to kick. One of my legs (cant remember which one) was always weaker than the other one. So I always practised with my better leg to sort of compensate the one that could not kick very well... Then my sir came along and said i had alot of leg power but i kept on using one leg only. He said the weaker ur leg the more u should practice on it, so i kept on practising on it... although the weaker leg never became as strong and my better leg but it became almost as good... I think this theory can be applied to my piano skills and all aspects of life... Taekowndo has taught me many things... some good some bad but i will treasure them all...

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