Monday, April 30, 2007

Feel so tired today... Today had morning shift... A tough day of work. I think the most irritating thing about work is that no matter what happens outside of work u still have to come back to work and show ur willing to work attitude when actually in side u are so bloody tired and dun give a damn. Working with ppl sucks... Why cant ppl look at ppl for their good points instead of harping on the negative points... but this is human nature (to gossip)... I am not perfect too in this aspect.

Today after work went to carrefour to buy a key board. It cost 249 bucks and will be sent to my house tomorrow... sort of excited... hehe. Will there be a day in which i really get my own piano... its all up to me i guess. I must persever... Jia You!

Friday, April 27, 2007

wish every day were like that day... having fun... haha. me and alina at dolphin lagoon.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Work life sucks and I seem to suck at it. will there be a day when someone will just say... "jolyn, u have done a good job." Thats all I ask for...

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

First entry of my blog

This is officially my new blog... my old blog is Its not because i dun like to blog anymore that i stopped blogging but rather i could not seem to get into my account... it seems to be invaded by viruses or whatever... but now i will careful to keep my computer virus free...

Well its definately been a while since i last blogged. In fact i just finished one week of AL (annual leave) , and straight after AL I come back on a morning shift in which i am so freaking disorientated and blur... and our HO is on leave and i have to keep on irritating side stations HOs to do stuff for me eg. discharge summary and prescription for patientwho is going to hospice on ambulance, blood cultures, fill up forms. Those who work where i work know how rush this can be... Haha... anyways on a lighter note, my AL has been really fun and fulfilling i feel. Caught up with sec. , poly and some church friends... went to the zoo, watched the phantom of the opera, went to sentosa (dolphin lagoon, underwater world, sentosa luge...) ate lots... haha It would tell me three days and nights to tell u about my experiences.

Today after work i went to tampines cristofori to enrol for piano lessons... I will be having my first lesson next friday.. really excited but i hope it wun be a spur of the moment decision. I must have faith in myself. I want to play canon in D by Pachebel when i get better in my piano playing. I also know it wun be easy but i am willing to try... Haiz.. but have to buy a key board.. maybe i will go tomorrow or after my stretch of night shifts.

Talking about which, tomorrow is my night shift. Dunno whether to be happy or not... Oh heck... life is short so dun grumble away...